Edie McKay
Edie McKay
– Like stupidity, evil is self-hypnotic
Hello Victor
I don’t know if I am a hypocrite or if my work is hypocritical. And why you have asked me to do a fanzine, I do not understand. Should I be thankful or critical of your proposal? I haven’t decided yet.
My work has no meaning it lacks content and ideas and serves no purpose at all.
I feel like a cuckoo - brooding parasites these kinds of birds are called. I have been left here by my mother, she as well was a parasite. I am the bigger bird in the nest, being fed by a small unknown mother bird when I really should be fed by my own kind, my own mother. But I stand no chance with my own kind, they will not accept me, they will not love me. I look at the feeder and accept the small portion of food, the feeder looks at me knowing I need more and that it can’t stop. In this unfamiliar territory I am safe, they like me, they accept me, even if I am a parasite and look down on them and use them for my own personal benefit. Please feed this empty mouth more metaphoric food.
So you see, I have found my place in society and I do not need you or anybody else, in fact I am not a hypocrite.
Edie xxxxx
ISH#7 :